Epidural blood patch for the treatment of post dural puncture headache in pregnant women

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Orhan Binici
Ufuk Kuyrukluyıldız


Objective: Postdural puncture headache (PDPH) is still a considerable problem and it is one of the most common complications of neuro axial anesthesia. Efficiency of the blood patch performed for the patients who developed postdural headache following spinal and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia carried out in our hospital was retrospectively investigated.

Material and Methods: Postdural puncture headache (PDPH) is one of the complications commonly encountered after epidural anesthesia and analgesia with occurring of dural penetration. In this study, efficiency of the epidural blood patch (EBP) was discussed in the patients with postdural puncture headache who did not give response to medical therapy. A total of 55 patients who developed PDPH following caesarean section performed under spinal and combined spinal-epidural anesthesia between January 2009 and January 2014 in Erzincan State Hospital and Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital was included in the study.

Results: Among the 1,110 undergone spinal and 1,749 combined regional anesthesia patient, 55 patients have been developed PDHA and 34 patients who did not give response to medical therapy who applied epidural blood patch.

Conclusions: In the cases of PDPHs which don’t give response to medical therapy within 24 hours, EBP should be administered, considering not only the mothers, but also the infants.


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How to Cite
Binici, O. ., & Kuyrukluyıldız, U. . (2018). Epidural blood patch for the treatment of post dural puncture headache in pregnant women. Medical Science and Discovery, 5(11), 357–360. Retrieved from https://medscidiscovery.com/index.php/msd/article/view/253
Research Article


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