Impact of lack of rehabilitation follow-up care on the functional level and autonomy of vascular hemiplegic patients at Kinshasa University clinics on homecoming

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Eric Kam
Teddy Bofosa
François Lepira
Agabus Malemba
Huguette Nkongo
Constant Nkiama
Betty Miangindula
Tharcisse Kayembe


Objective: To evaluate the clinical and functional profile of vascular hemiplegia patients when deciding on their return home after hospitalization and evaluate its impact on their caregivers.

Material and Methods: This prospective descriptive study involved 60 patients. It was devoted to the evaluation, on the one hand of the functional level and the autonomy of the patients at the entrance and the decision of the return home, and on the other hand of the social charge felt by the caregivers of these patients.

Results: Out of 60 patients (66.7% of men and 33.3% of women, mean age of 62.93 ± 11.3 years), 93% of patients had a score of autonomy less than 60 at home , with no significant difference between the baseline score and the return to home score (p = 0.22), for an average length of stay of 25 ± 12 days. On the other hand, of 60 caregivers, between 72% and 73% of caregivers had a significant homework load, and this load was significant as function and independence levels were low (p = 0.001). Also, a significant increase in workload was observed at home compared to the hospital (p = 0.000).

Conclusion: We have emphasized the importance of an acceptable level of autonomy and multidisciplinary cooperation to allow patients to return to their homes in order to ensure a good home care and reduce the heavy burden of caregivers who have also need a better quality of life.


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How to Cite
Kam, E. ., Bofosa, T. ., Lepira, F. ., Malemba, A. ., Nkongo, H. ., Nkiama, C. ., Miangindula, B. ., & Kayembe, T. . (2018). Impact of lack of rehabilitation follow-up care on the functional level and autonomy of vascular hemiplegic patients at Kinshasa University clinics on homecoming. Medical Science and Discovery, 5(7), 274–278. Retrieved from
Research Article


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