Haglund's Disease with Clinical and Radiological Findings: 3 Case Reports

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Demet Doğan
Nazlı Uçar


Objective: Haglund's Deformity is a variation of the posterosuperior region enlargement of the Os Calcaneus (OC) in the form of exostosis. It is associated with Haglund's Disease (HD), which encompasses Achilles tendinitis, retrocalcaneal bursitis, supra calcaneal bursitis, and inflammation of the Kager fat pad. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings and radiological methods, such as lateral ankle radiographs, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This study aims to present three cases of ankle pain diagnosed with HD using radiological imaging. The mean age of our cases was 44.6 years, with two females and one male. Patients commonly present with complaints of pain and swelling behind the heel.

Results: Physical examination revealed pain and tenderness upon palpation over the left OC and Achilles tendon insertion. Radiological examination showed osseous protrusion in the posterosuperior part of the OC, indicating Haglund's Deformity. Edema was observed at the bony prominence of the posterosuperior OC, Kager fat pad, and heel area. The treatment plan for all three patients included leg rest splint, anti-inflammatory medication, and physical therapy.

Conclusion: In cases of heel pain where traumatic events such as acute fractures are ruled out, MRI should be performed, and Haglund's Syndrome should be investigated if osseous protrusion in the posterosuperior calcaneus is observed on radiographs, along with other findings suggestive of HS.


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How to Cite
Doğan, D., & Uçar, N. (2023). Haglund’s Disease with Clinical and Radiological Findings: 3 Case Reports. Medical Science and Discovery, 10(6), 421–425. https://doi.org/10.36472/msd.v10i6.956
Case Reports
Received 2023-05-20
Accepted 2023-06-09
Published 2023-06-24


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