The comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities in Quince Fruit (Cydonia Oblonga) grown in Van, Ankara and İzmir Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Quince Fruit Grown

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Halit Demir
Canan Demir


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the activity of some antioxidant enzymes in the quince fruit (Cydonia Oblonga) which grown in different regions of Turkey.

Materials and Methods: For this study, firstly, quince fruit grown in different provinces such as Van, Ankara and İzmir was obtained for this study. Then, extracts of quince fruit were prepared and antioxidant enzyme activities were determined by spectrophotometric method. The findings were analyzed using statistical methods and the results were interpreted.

Results: The difference between the means in terms of Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase and Glutathione Reductase (SOD, CAT and GR) enzyme levels was found to be statistically significant for quince fruit grown in Van, Ankara and İzmir (p <0.05). Accordingly, CAT, SOD and GR levels in quince fruit grown in İzmir were significantly higher than other regions.

Conclusion: As a result, the antioxidant property of quince fruit seems to be very important. The consumption of quince fruit especially in winter can be protective against some diseases, especially winter diseases. Further research on quince fruit should be done.


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How to Cite
Demir, H., & Demir, C. (2019). The comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities in Quince Fruit (Cydonia Oblonga) grown in Van, Ankara and İzmir : Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Quince Fruit Grown. Medical Science and Discovery, 6(11), 301–304.
Research Article
Received 2019-11-12
Accepted 2019-11-26
Published 2019-11-28


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